Not a flower in-sight. The forest floor is crispy with dried up leaves except for a couple of low lying areas. Plenty of different kinds of ferns, but that's it for interesting foliage. I wasn't too quiet, tromping around whistling and cracking branches, as the neighbor recently told me he had seen a small bear back there. All of a sudden, a deer jumped in front of me and froze. OK - we both froze. I slowly took my camera out of my pocket and she scuffed the ground a couple of times, snorted and then whistled a short loud squeal. HOLY CRAP!!! I figured now would not be a good time to try to get my camera on and set and focused. She flinched first and with a giant leap was gone in the direction from which she came. I changed my course of direction and figured that was enough exploring for this afternoon. I was happy I didn't have the hunting dog with me, who was home nursing her wound.
Anyway, of all the wild flowers I've photographed, I thought I would share this one. These are very rare white lady slippers, which I was shown just down the road from here.