Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Fix is In

Last summer, due to all of the rain, we had significant erosion where the septic tanks were installed. We stuffed the crevices with bags of chopped straw and decided to deal with it this spring. So after having called landscaping companies and had mini-seisures at their rates, we called back our excavation company that did the site work. They repaired the area by building a retaining wall, then re-arranged our rocks out front but first installing geotextile to prevent erosion, built us a small ramp behind the garage to allow the little tractor access for yard maintenance, trenched and buried big-O for the downspouts, covered the fill with topsoil and lastly gave us steps up to the front entrance. That will do for now thank you very much. We quickly layed sod along the rock and seeded everywhere else, and we are now the only people hoping for rain this long weekend.
Once the sod and seed have taken, we will trim off the landscape fabric left exposed. Rock garden anyone...