Sunday, July 25, 2010

Life Without Air Conditioning

So the big question everyone asks is how is it without air conditioning?? Not bad. The hottest the house has been was 26 degrees. That was the week of stink-hot, where the outside temperature was 36 degrees or more. For those nights, we ran a small fan in the bedroom for he who gets real hot. So even though it was warm in the house, compared to outside, it was pleasant enough.
What we have learned is that the house takes a while to get warm, but conversely it also takes a while to cool down. With no cool evenings, it stays warm, but on nights like one we are expecting tonight, where they are forecasting under 20 degrees, it's very nice. We open the windows at night and catch a breeze. First summer in years that I haven't had a sore throat and head-ache all summer long.

So rather than the hum of an air conditioner, we go to sleep listening to crickets, loons on the nearby lake and frogs. Big fat frogs!!
This guy was sitting on back stoop last week. Haaarrrumph!!