Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Crew

Justin, Deirdre and Jeremy

Jeremy and Justin, the professionals. Andre and I pale compared to these strong able-bodied experienced young men. We are very thankful for their abilities and good-natured temperments. Here they are installing the ring-beam, which is made up of three plys of 2x8" which are glued and nailed together with staggered joints. The building is ringed with this beam, then it's covered with Typar.

Deirdre, the boss. Andre says he has two bosses now, both Deirdre and I, and she is likely kinder to him.

It's not very many projects that will go ahead with the owners being involved in the build, so Andre and I are grateful to this gang for letting us participate. We really feel a connection to this building, and they do too I think. Jeremy commented that he sometimes builds for people who will never even live in the house - that is it is being built for resale, so to have the owners participate is unusual.

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