Sunday, July 26, 2009

A few words

We have taken so many pictures of this build that it's hard to select the ones we want to share. They make sense to us, but trying to explain them all would be difficult, so we are picking ones that best illustrate the process.

As we are living in our trailer without power and internet is only available in Perth, loading the daily camera pictures onto the laptop is a project in itself. Building the blog is an after-thought and seems to be the easiest way to share our progress, rather than mass emails. This way, we aren't clogging up your inbox if you don't give a toot, and can either choose to check out the blog or not.

You'll all have to excuse typos as I haven't figured out how to edit posted entries.

We've been two weeks into the actual carpentry aspect of the build. We are completely exhausted as we are not used to so much physical labour. To top it off, we are trying to pack up the homestead in Ottawa, and seem to have lost our steam in that regard. So a few of you might be getting panicked phone calls asking you to come help us pack our underwear. Most of the house is packed, aside from our bedroom, the bathrooms (which have been purged of junk) and some of the kitchen (in case we get the urge to cook).

Our movers are scheduled for August 28th and the stuff goes into storage. We hope to have a garage built at the new place so we can move the garage contents directly to the new garage, as I have a few heavy tools that would be a pain to store and would rather have access to tools and stuff during the construction.

As to where we will live during the build - well we haven't figured that one out yet. It's on the list of things to do. So onward we go.

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