Saturday, August 8, 2009

We've been spoiled

The last four weeks we have had the building all to ourselves. That ended Friday of this week. Deirdre and I returned to Ottawa on Thursday night for various engagements which left the men alone. I was picking up my window sills from the wood shop and returned Friday morning with them and the shower base as the plumbers arrived to do the rough-in plumbing.
Justin and Andre had started the morning with a mission to sheath and wrap the foyer, but the plumbers required a couple of the walls we had built to be permanently fastened.

We had originally planned to install only the walls they needed and then only temporarily install the two studs closest to the bale walls to allow for easier bale installation and plastering. That went out the window, so now we have screwed in studs with pipes running through them. Time for Plan "B".

In addition to the plumbers, the HRV installer was by to check things out as he wants to start next week, the crane operator and the framers for the garage were busy down below, I arrived with the sill material and then the window and door delivery company showed up. Despite all of the distractions, the guys were able to end the day with the foyer enclosed.

Next week we hope to install the windows to clear out the room they are in so the electrician can have unencumbered access for his rough-in work. He is hoping to be able to start work the middle of next week. He has forewarned us that he wants the place spotless for his start of work and will leave it the same way. We have heard the same about him from the other trades, so that's nice. This last photo shows my window sills. We have temporarily placed all of the windows, sills and doors in the front bedroom just to keep them tucked out of the way.